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Don't Let Anyone Make You Lose Your Joy

Writer's picture: newhopewinstonnewhopewinston

Updated: Jan 31, 2024

People reflecting on life
Don't Let Anyone Make You Lose Your Joy

Being happy and full of joy is a personal and deliberate decision. Demons can’t stand joy, wicked people, or jealous people. If anyone can knock the joy out of you, they will have you in a corner. That’s why the Bible instructs us that the joy of the Lord is our strength [(Nehemiah 8:10].

One sure way to stir up joy in your spirit is to spend time fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. Being born again, you’re in that realm of the Spirit, where there’s glory, life, righteousness, peace, and joy [Romans 14:17]. Those who function outside the will of God and without His Holy Spirit face frustrations and quickly get agitated because nothing seems to work out in their lives. And because they’re constantly hurting, they tend to hurt others around them, too.

In St. John 15:11, Jesus Christ said, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” The Lord desires His joy to be in you every waking moment, irrespective of your circumstances. He’s given you joy that’s independent of the experiences around you. The joy that flows from your spirit is indescribable and full of glory [1 Peter 1:8].

We can Inspire others by remaining joyful and on top despite our issues and challenges. We should refuse to look sad, like the world hung on our shoulders. Many things in life are temporary. Our lack of patience makes everything seem like forever. However, our heavenly Father always allows us to escape any trial [1 Corinthians 10:13].

Christ Jesus has taken our sorrows upon the Cross at Calvary. He died in our place. He overcame the world for us [St. John 16:33]. And He’s brought us into His joy, abundance, and peace.  Therefore, our light afflictions work a more exceeding weight of glory [2 Corinthians 4:17].

Life is throwing curve balls; please don’t duck.  Swing at the ball with all the joy within you—knowing that the suffering reveals our glory [Romans 8:18]. God trust you enough to know you will stay in the game of life and WIN!

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